Monday, July 20, 2020

All good things must end.

I knew there was little room for growth. I started looking for a new career. My choices were limited. I did diligent research, and I decided to buy a franchise. I went through a company that helped one decide on which franchise was right for them. After accessing my skills and financial situation, it was recommended I go with a leadership and management training company.

So, after due diligence, I left the book business and started on my own. On my own, I found out that the franchisee was of very little help. They were more in the business of selling franchises than making them successful.

Added to this, it was 2006, and companies were cutting back on training. The geographic market I was in was not conducive for what we offered. Many franchisees failed in my area before and after me. I lost m 401k in investing in this business. Needless to say, I was devastated.

I was 57 years old with only soft skills, no college education, or specific credentials to my name. The recession of 2008 was upon us, and I was struggling to survive spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.

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